Security in Aviation/ATM

Research Executive Agency (REA)

Expert Evaluator for the 2011 Security Research Call by the REA     
APAC‘s General Manager Susanne Lanzerstorfer was selected by the REA for the role of an independent Expert Evaluator of proposals for EU funding submitted in relation to the field of aviation security research. She was assigned the task of supporting the evaluation of research proposals in relation to the 2011 Security Research Call within the framework of the EU Financial Perspective 7 (FP7).


Austrian National Supervisory Authority (NSA)

Austrian delegate to the EUROCONTROL ATM Security Team (SET)    
APAC was assigned the task of representing the Austrian NSA within the framework of EUROCONTROL’s ATM Security Team (SET). APAC was tasked with establishing and maintaining a working contact between EUROCONTROL and the Austrian NSA in the field of security in ATM, based on APAC ‘s extensive experience in ATM.